El cartel de Hollywood personalizado por Los Angeles 2028
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The urban area in the United States with the largest oil reserves in the world

Los Ángeles se posicionó en el centro de la locura por el oro negro a finales del siglo pasado, y hasta el día de hoy destaca por sus importantes reservas.

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Leer en Castellano
Milagros Moreni

Although Los Angeles is famous for being the world capital of entertainment, few know that, beneath its streets and skyscrapers, lies one of the largest oil fields on the planet. This Californian city was not only the epicenter of the black gold rush at the beginning of the 20th century, but despite modernization and the decline in production, it still holds significant oil reserves beneath its surface.

Los Angeles holds over 9,000 million barrels of oil in its subsoil, making it the urban area with the largest oil resources in the world. Although oil extraction no longer has the boom of yesteryears, some wells continue to operate in the heart of the city, in unexpected places like Beverly Hills and the downtown area.

This underground presence has influenced the city's development, funding its growth and expansion over the years.

The history of Los Angeles and oil

Oil in Los Angeles began to be exploited in the late 19th century, at a time when the city was still far from being the mecca of cinema and entertainment we know today. The discovery of significant oil fields throughout the oil basin allowed Los Angeles to become an economically important center, eventually becoming the largest producer of oil in California during the early decades of the 20th century.

However, the city's transformation as it urbanized and strict environmental regulations led to a decline in production. Nevertheless, wells still operate in urban areas, camouflaged among structures that disguise their presence.

Thus, Los Angeles continues to be a small oil power, with an energy legacy that continues to shape its identity, even if it's hidden beneath the concrete and asphalt of a city that never stops moving.

The future of oil in Los Angeles

The relationship between Los Angeles and oil began to take shape in 1890, when the first major oil field was discovered in the city. From there, the black gold rush transformed the small agricultural community into a thriving city, experiencing rapid growth thanks to the natural resources beneath its surface.

Oil wells spread rapidly throughout the city and, at its peak, Los Angeles accounted for over half of California's oil production.

Despite the problems arising from this exploitation, such as pollution, induced earthquakes, and land subsidence, oil remained an economic pillar of the city. During the early decades of the 20th century, the oil industry played a significant role in the city's expansion, financing everything from its infrastructure to the development of new residential and commercial neighborhoods.

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